A New Era with William Ngwa as President of ONECCA

Leadership comes with responsibilities that only the deserving can effectively Man up to. Haven been fervent with a credible reputation built over 27 years, William Ngwa seem to have climbed the top of his Career. Emerging as the President of the Council of the National Order of Chartered Accountants of Cameroon (ONECCA) portrays the height of trust conferred on a Man with Interest and Love for the Work. The powers bestowed on him by Chartered Accountants of Cameroon is a validation for him to lead the destinies of the Cameroonian liberal Accounting Profession for the next 3 years.
Known for his Professionalism and excellence, there’s no doubt that he will effectively work for the interest of the institution as well as its Members. He is a Partner with PwC Afrique Francophone Subsaharienne with auditing role in the Energy, Mining and Utility Space in Cameroon, Chad and Equatorial Guinea. He is currently the leader of Internal Audit Services of Subsaharan Francophone Africa. William Ngwa was Formerly the Representative of Francophone Africa Firm on the Governance Board of PwC France.
In 1990, he became a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountant in England and Wales. In 2004, he was
Certified an Internal Auditor of the American Institute of Internal Auditors. In 1984, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Lagos.
When it comes to Statutory and independent audits,
Internal Audits, Client training, Cost and JV Audits, Energy, Utilities and Mining, Compilation of financial statements, he has a Masters touch. Every eye is watching to see changes being effected. We can only trust in his Expertise to meet up to the expectations cause to whom much is given, much is expected.
AYUK Anticilia Ma-Eyong