Mois : août 2022


Paul Fomenky, The Innovative, Sought-after Real Estate Master 

Excellence is a trait he has harnessed, making it a visible stamp on his personality. Paul Fomenky, PhD is an…

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Ascension des logements meublés, mort programmée des hôtels ?  

Au Cameroun, le secteur immobilier est en pleine expansion. Dans les grandes villes du pays, les chantiers se multiplient. Depuis quelques années,…

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Mungai T. NFI, A  Consummate Entrepreneur 

Highly Experienced, Professional, Versatile, his Credibility is what louds his person. Mungai T. NFI is an Executive with high problem-solving…

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George Ndip Tabi, The Depths of an Inspiring Entrepreneur

There are Change Catalysts whose deeds make them louder than their own words would. George Ndip Tabi is a hardworking…

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Yannick TIENTCHEU, Banque Atlantique Cameroun’s newest Executive 

Dynamic and Dependable, he has built a solid reputation that has earned him promotion. Yannick TIENTCHEU is a Man who…

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Développement des PME : Advans Cameroun et JABA Space unissent les forces

On avait déjà remarqué la forte présence de la première microfinance au Cameroun Advans Cameroun lors de la dernière édition du Ladies Business Contest organisée par la structure d’accompagnement à…

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Jeune Talent

Stanley Enow, The Proactive Entrepreneur

The Entertainment industry in Cameroon has witnessed a boom thanks to talents like Stanley Enow. He is a Central African…

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Agbor Gilbert Ebot, Entertainment on Another Level

Monetisation of talent is what gives flavour and the zeal for continuity. He is not only good at it, but…

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Madeleine KOUM, Deputy General Manager SCB Cameroon 

In Cameroon Women are not left behind in leadership roles. The visible and successful journey of many to top management…

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Mercy Tembon, World Bank’s Newest Vice President & Secretary General

Yet another shooting star has shone brighter in the global sphere of Finance. Highly experienced and graced with excellence, her…

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