Idrissa Amadu Kamara, CEO Standard Chartered Bank Cameroon: Banker by Excellence

At a time where banking Challenges are enormous due to increasing Competition, cultural shift, rising expectations, regulatory compliance and outdated mobile experiences , Idrissa Amadu Kamara, CEO of Standard Chartered Bank Cameroon, is one man who carries with him  success wherever he goes. With over 25 years’ experience as a Banker, he has been able to positively impact the Banking system in Sierra Leone where he was the former Chief executive officer of Standard Bank Sierra Leone. A proof that he is one man who is diligent and has mastered the norms of the profession.

It’s obvious that his Love, resilience and dedication in the Banking sector in Africa has pushed him to climb the ladder of success across the continent. He’s one man who has displayed utmost commitment to the profession reason why he was entrusted as CEO of the Standard chartered bank Cameroon. His appointment in November 2020 was well received with much enthusiasm and expectations for the development of the business in Cameroon. Martin Foncha, Chairman of the Board of Standard Chartered Bank in Cameroon revealed that he is a highly respected and esteemed professional who is best at what he does.

Attesting to his professionalism, he has handled key positions like ; General manager and executive director of Standard Chartered Bank  Sierra Leone, President/Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce in Sierra Leone and Second Vice President of the West African Bankers Association (WABA). He has equally served  as a non- executive  director at the standard Chartered Bank Gambia.


Prior to his major appointments he has worked at Standard Chartered for almost 10 years as a Business Finance Analyst, Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary and Chief Operating Officer. Idrissa Amadu’s metamorphosis and rise to the peak, is a clear proof that Hardwork, determination and focus can bring about Success without necessarily involving in some vices that surround the Banking profession. It is no doubt therefore, that passion is the major drive to Success.

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