In September, which is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, Olam Agri has organised a free Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test for male employees across various locations within the organisation in Cameroon.
As part of Olam Agri’s commitment to promoting employee health and well-being, the company launched its inaugural prostate cancer awareness program which comprised a webinar with a specialist (Urologist) to raise awareness and educate employees on the disease and its impact if neglected and the importance of early detection and treatment options. Free screening for male employees over 45 years and above across all business locations was also conducted.
Veeresh Mallikarjun Hiremath, Senior Vice President and Country Head for Olam Agri in Cameroon encouraged the employees to take advantage of the program to get tested and seek treatment as soon as possible if any trace of the disease is found.
« Prostate Cancer poses a dangerous risk to the health of men, so we’ve initiated this programme to raise awareness, provide support, and encourage both male and female employees to take care of their health for themselves and their families. We will continue to commit to the well-being and nutrition of all our employees through different initiatives and programmes » He said.

Prostate cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system just below the bladder. According to the Journal of Cancer Therapy, (12, 289-301), prostate cancer is considered the second most common malignancy in males and the sixth leading cause of cancer mortality in men with a relatively higher death rate in men of African descent. The estimated mortality in 2018 was 4.03% worldwide and 12.04% in Cameroon, where it is the third leading cause of cancer death after breast and cervical cancer. It also states that prostate cancer is the “most frequent cancer among men above 50, and it is an important problem in public health”. According to the World Health Organisation(WHO), about 543,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed yearly around the world, alongside 200,000 deaths.